Launch of the Harmonised Training Framework

The Child Protection Learning and Development Co-ordinator, Gary Hoey, has been working closely with colleagues in both the child protection workforce and the alcohol and drug workforce, to produce The North Ayrshire CPC/ADP Harmonised Training Framework.

Produced by the North Ayrshires ADP Workforce Development Group, the framework draws together two key documents these being the ‘National Framework for Child Protection Learning and Development in Scotland 2012’ and ‘Supporting the Development of Scotland’s Alcohol and Drug Work Force published in 2010’.

Both documents embrace a common vision that identifies the need to develop a competent workforce at all levels.

Using the framework managers and practitioners will be able to identify courses which will promote learning and provide professional development. We hope that by doing so workers and practitioners will become equipped with the necessary skills and expertise to improve outcomes for children, young people, families and individuals and assist those who are on their journey to recovery.

The document can be accessed through our Training page.