Our purpose is to develop, implement and oversee the North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Communication Strategy.

Group Objectives

To ensure public information in relation to child protection is widely available, in a range of materials, to children, young people, families, professionals and members of the public.

Agency representation

(CHAIR)Senior Manager, Universal & Early Years, NAHSCP

Child Protection, Lead Officer, NACPC

Child Protection, Learning & Development Coordinator, NACPC

Child Protection Admin, NACPC

Girfec Manager GIRFEC & Corporate Parenting

Health Improvement Lead, NHS A&A

Marketing Officer,Communications, NAC

Community Education Worker, Education, NAC

Senior Manager, Education & Youth Employment, NAC

Service Manager, Children 1st

Business Development Manager, KA Leisure


Detective Inspector, Police Scotland

Local Authority Liaison Officer, Police Scotland

Clinical Team Leader, NAHSCP

Useful Documents

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