Welcome to the learning and development page of our website

The new CPC Training Calendar is below. Please click to view courses available and ‘read more’ to book a place on any course you wish to attend. Please note that courses are available for the first quarter of 2024.


North Ayrshire CPC L&D Calendar 2025 


An E learning section for online modules has been added below and is being updated as modules are developed.

Multi–Agency Learning and Development Programme 2025

The NACPC learning and development programme presents a wide range of multi-agency learning and development opportunities for workers across child and adult services in North Ayrshire.  Our training calendar below will provide you with details of when the courses are on, the course aims and objectives. To identify if a course is correct for your role. Check here 

All our courses are FREE, as part of the support North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee provides to the child protection workforce. As a start, why don’t you download the self-learning pack below which covers basic child protection issues and procedures.

Please note that the Bespoke sessions on the calendar are closed sessions and not multi-agency.



North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy Learning and Development Opportunities

Below are a set of training modules developed in relation to the CSA strategy and are suitable for everyone living or working in North Ayshire

The link below is an awareness module developed to be used in conjunction with the strategy

North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy Awareness e module

Further training is currently being developed from the strategy, an update will be posted here as soon as available.

Please click below for further information on keeping children safer online.

Children Safer Online

Please click below for further information on Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation



Starting a conversation with children

Information to support those temporarily working with Children and Families

Chronologies Video

Domestic Abuse Raising Awareness Tool

Child Protection Awareness Training for the Workforce