North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy

In Scotland, a total of 1522 child sexual abuse crimes were recorded between April 2020 and December 2020, a 13% increase for the same period in 2019.  Evidence suggests that 1 in 10 young people (aged 11-17) are likely to have experienced sexual abuse in the past year. Within North Ayrshire, evidence suggests that as many as 900 children have likely been sexually abused in the past year.

Child sexual abuse is preventable. It is our belief that an overarching strategy that addresses all forms of child sexual abuse is needed if we are to adequately challenge, and ultimately prevent, these behaviours in all their forms. We are pleased to present North Ayrshire’s Child Sexual Abuse Strategy. This strategy is for all; young people, adults and practitioners. We need all adults to face the difficult reality that child sexual abuse happens in a child’s own home or community and often at the hands of those they should be most able to trust. If adults can’t begin to face this and to bring this possibility into the open in discussion, children and young people certainly won’t be able to – and will remain at significant risk.

The overarching strategy is provided below along with a plain English version that has been developed to be accessible for all. In addition, we have developed an awareness raising e-module which provides further information in relation to our vision, overall objectives and useful links to resources.

North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy Awareness e module

North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy

North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy (Plain English)

North Ayrshire Child Sexual Abuse Strategy (Plain English Accessible)

Please see link for further information in relation to CSA practice development opportunities: click here

Regardless of your role, you play an important part in protecting children and young people in North Ayrshire.

You have the following responsibilities: 1) To be aware of your organisations child protection policy / procedure 2) To be alert to indicators of concern in children and young people you come into contact with 3) To respond to concerns you have about a child by acting in accordance with your organisations procedure The downloads below will support you in fulfilling these responsibilities. They can be downloaded and printed off for your convenience.

West of Scotland Interagency Child Protection Procedures

Child protection policies and procedures in North Ayrshire are informed by West of Scotland Interagency Child Protection Procedures. You can access these procedures using the following link
WOS Child Protection Procedures

Key Contacts

Social Services

Irvine: 01294 310300 Kilbirnie: 01505 684551 Saltcoats: 01294 605261 
Arran: 01770 600742 Police Scotland at any police office or by calling 101 Ayrshire Out of Hours Service: 0800 328 7758


Practice Reflective Improvement Dialogue (PRI) Project: Information and Nomination Form

PRI Dialogue sessions have been established to put children at the heart of all decision making and ensuring that adult voices are not over privileged, enhancing opportunities for professional reflection and leaders supporting workers to be accountable for their practice and increase professional curiosity. These reflective sessions have the following objectives:

  • Workers in North Ayrshire increase their professional curiosity and appropriately challenge colleagues to protect children and young people
  • Workers have opportunities to professionally reflect to ensure that practice is centred around protecting and meeting the needs of the child
  • Workers have an improved understanding of the child’s experience

The case must have an element of child protection attached and a specific issue identified (such as a concern in relation to how a case was escalated, a Child Protection Order being applied for etc) for it to be considered for a PRI Dialogue session.  If you identify a case which you feel would benefit from a PRI session, please complete the nomination form below and email to for consideration. Please note there will be a referral period every quarter with a closing date. Referrals will only be considered following the closing date.

A factsheet and referral flowchart has also been provided below for your information.

PRI factsheet and referral flowchart

Practice Reflective Improvement (PRI) Nomination Form

Adults at Risk of Harm

Adults (including young adults aged 16 or over) also have rights to be protected from harm – whether this is physical, financial, psychological, or sexual harm, or who are at risk of neglect (including self-harm). Click here  for the Adult Protection website for more information on recognising and reporting adults at risk of harm, as well as to access the current Training programme


Please click link below to see supplementary Child Protection National Guidance in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic from the Scottish Government.


North Ayrshire Protecting People Core Information Covid-19 emergency FINAL

Information to support those temporarily working with Children and Families

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Supplementary National Child Protection Guidance v16.4.20

COVID-19 Supplementary Violence Against Women Guidance

COVID-19 Supplementary Violence Against Women Guidance – Exec Summary

Useful Documents

Below we have a great selection of useful documents for you to download. Please click on the icon to begin the download.

Document Filters
  • Annual Reports and Business Plans
  • Multi Agency Guidance
  • Other
  • All
  • Professionals
  • All